Terms & Conditions
Refund Policy:
We want our customers to be 100% satisfied. All returned items must be shipped in their original boxes and properly packaged to avoid damage during transit. Returns are only accepted within 30 calendar days of purchase. Please repack the merchandise carefully and in original condition. Include any instruction manuals, etc. All returned items are subject to appropriate freight fees, Ramp to Rail does not refund these fees. Ramp to Rail also does not refund the original shipping fees included in the price of the product (this includes products that originally stated “free shipping” during checkout). Ramp to Rail does not refund any credit card processing fees charged to us by the merchant. Any merchandise returned in a severely damaged or used condition which cannot be resold as new will not be accepted. Returns that are not damaged can be limited to a 30% re-stocking fee. Additional charges may be incurred if the product is returned in damaged condition. Ramp to Rail will refund the original purchase price, minus state or federal taxes, and apply the refund to the credit card used during purchase, or issue a refund check. Ramp to Rail will refund only the original purchaser of the ramp, we do not refund for ramps not purchased directly from us. We value your patronage and business and will work directly with our customers to remedy any dispute or problem with our products.
Since the methods of application/installation and conditions are beyond our control, we make no guarantee or warranty concerning the use or results to be obtained from use of the described product. Any such warranty of merchantability is disclaimed. Buyer is solely responsible for results.
Damage Items in transit:
If any items are damaged during transit with any Fed-Ex/UPS Ground services please report it immediately to us via email along with photos to info@ramptorail.com. We may request the damaged piece in return to us for exchange of a new. Larger items (ie quarterpipes, or halfpipes) will be shipped through a trucking company/freight carrier. Ramp to Rail will replace any damaged items during transit if the delivery driver makes note of it on the receipt. If you sign the receipt without any note of the damage you will not be refunded nor receive your replacement and/or missing parts. Please ensure you inspect any package upon arrival.
*** Please inspect each package upon arrival. If there are ANY signs of damage or misuse the delivery driver MUST be notified before leaving. The freight company MUST make note of the damages- this allows us to file a claim. Please be sure to notify us via email if there are damaged items that need to be replaced. Ramp to Rail cannot assume liability for any damage after the delivery–cause by skateboard damage or weather, etc. Ramp to Rail will NOT refund nor offer free replacement parts if the driver is not notified of damage.***
Damage once the item has been skated and/or used:
Ramp to Rail cannot nor will assume any liability for damaged pieces once the product has been used and/or skated. This includes parts being damaged during installation. We also cannot make any returns/refunds on used items. Refunds or exchanges can only be done to new/unused products.
We know that by skateboarding, in-line skating, scooter and bicycle riding are inherently dangerous sports and activities in which we choose to voluntarily participate at our own risk. We are aware that the usual risks, hazards and dangers of personal injury, death and disability or property damage and loss (collectively “Damages”), necessarily increase when using ramps, curbs, steps, half pipes, quarter pipes, grind boxes, inclines and declines, or any other structure and device. We know that the risks, hazards and dangers include, but are not limited to, uncontrollable boards and bicycles, falling, jumping, landing, performing tricks and/or colliding with other users. We also understand that these risks, hazards and dangers are further increased when other persons, whether or not of the same level of experience or skill, are present at the same time and using the same facilities. (All of the above defined activities are collectively referred throughout this Agreement as “the Hazardous Activities.”)
By this agreement, it is our intention to relieve “Ramp to Rail” of any duty to us and we do assume the entire risk of any of the Damages which might occur during or as a result of my use of their skateboard ramps. By this agreement, I also intend to release, discharge and absolve Ramp to Rail from any and all liability for any active or passive negligence whatsoever by Ramp to Rail and to waive and relinquish any claim or cause of action against Ramp to Rail for any loss, claim, damage, personal injury, disability, death, medical and any other type of expense or property damage or loss caused by and any negligence of Ramp to Rail and will not to sue or exercise any legal right to seek damages from Ramp to Rail.
In consideration of utilizing Ramp to Rail skateboard ramps, grind boxes and other products, we agree as follows:
- As to my participation in any activity, including, but not limited to, the Hazardous Activities and as to any and all liability for the Damages which I may suffer or incur due to any cause whatsoever, we hereby agree:
- To waive any and all claims for Damages that I may have against Ramp to Rail, its managers, officers, directors, associates, agents, contractors, volunteers, sponsors, vendors or exhibitors or any other person or company in any way associated with Ramp to Rail Inc; and
- To release Ramp to Rail, from any and all liability for the Damages that I may suffer or incur, or that my next kin may suffer as a result of my participation in any activity, including but not limited to, Hazardous
Activities; and
- To hold harmless and indemnify Ramp to Rail from any and all liability for the Damages to any third party resulting from my participation in any activity, including but not limited to, the Hazardous
Activities. 2. This waiver and release of liability and indemnification agreement (collectively referred to hereafter as “Waiver and Release”) shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, family, relatives, guardians, conservators, executors, administrators, trustees and assigns in the event of my injury, disability or death.
I/We have completely read and understand this Agreement and Terms. Prior to confirming this Agreement or making a purchase, we have had the opportunity to ask any questions about this Agreement. We are aware that, by confirming this Agreement and purchasing, we assume all risks and waive and release certain rights that I and my heirs, next of kin, family, relatives, guardians, conservators, executors, administrators, trustees and assigns may have against Ramp to Rail.